Friday, July 31, 2009

This is me naked before you

A little with each word
I recognize how frivilous
Each little lie
really is
to my cause.

Each little lie
To you seems like truth
Because thats how you want
to see it.

One little slip
of my mind's true quarrel
will leave my heart at the knife
of your subjection.

A camera will stand between us
Moments before we undress
I will look in my heart
To hold you
Your libido will depress.

Pears taste best with Cheese
It's like bottle cap glasses
On this network of pinging,
heart-shaking admiration

Smile behind screens
Lie behind feelings
How will you receive me
When I'm naked
Before you.

Have you given up
Turning away, your smile becoming
a frown upon my truths
that turned to lies
upon your

Saturday, April 11, 2009

on the bus

no seriously i didn't make this up in my head and try to excuse it as an overheard conversation:

"you know, if you wanna get creepers off your back, you should post a picture of you with an ugly girl"
"you know, cuz no one creeps ugly girls,"
"if they see the ugly girl, they'll think, 'that ugly girl puts a pretty girl in her picture...'"
"oh that's a good idea!"
"yeah, like i know! you're my bff im obl-eye-gd to help!"
"yeah let's take pictures to remember this moment."

Friday, April 10, 2009


today i smiled at my profile page.
i saw a complementary mix of colours,
and my mind ran
leaving me in the dark

taking yourselves srsly much?
me too...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So glad I have a normal ass restaurant job.
So glad it humbles me into realizing how mundane normal life is.
So glad I don't have ambitious, mercenary artist career.
So glad normal people exist to remind me how clever I am.
So glad that I have honest people to tell me how normal I'm being.
So glad I still have your attention.
So glad monkey made you look.


i read poetry for pleasure

today i had lunch, fried rice.
i went outside and listened to sound drugs. to get my creativity going, while smoking a cigarette.
i wrote a story about a girl i am in love with
then used the sound drugs to recreate a feeling of falling in love.
then i listened to blood on the tracks.

i am in full control,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

vulgar PORN

so i was watching porno like any good modern day teenager and heard the lead cock say the word "fuck" to which i asked myself, "can they say that in porn?"



They make it sound like some happy place that you can just walk in with a bright painted wicker basket in left hand and right arm blasting over shelves of prescription medications but NO NOTHING LIKE THAT!

They don't even have a proper assortment of toiletries!

SRSLY WHY DOES the drug mart have more aisles for potato chips and magazines than it does for toothpaste and shampoo? TELL ME THAT!

quit with the superstore bullshit, I don't need to buy watermelons next to condoms.

...or do i?

Monday, April 6, 2009


My only black friend happens to be totally enamored with my obvious white superiority and decided to dedicate a blog to me

It's a long title to write but it's totally worth it in my opinion. Nothing is more important than me, except for making fun of me. That's way more important.


Was chilling by the bus stop, totally casual, not expecting much, and this van drives by and they have front tinted windows. I fucking hate front-tinted windows, why do people have that shit? I'm not gonna say anything of value regarding this topic but I have a notable observation, it seems brown people love their front-tinted window. Is there some cultural thing I'm missing here?

contrary to popular belief, racist jokes are not cool,

but I will continue to use them.


I never write first in a comment box. Do you remember Myspace, when everyone would just find all their new friends who had no wall posts and christen them by saying "HEY I TOOK YOUR COMMENT VIRGINITY!! HAHAHA OMGz WE GOTTA HANG OUT SOON!!"
It's like that, except less gay and more douche.

Okay, so I'm watching Smashing Pumpkins video for Try, Try, Try and thinking about Trainspotting and Requiem of a Dream (HEROIN being the main connector of thought here) and I have never tried heroin (don't plan on it) but QUESTION: Why do public health officials always try and save the heroin addicts who are ODing, when they are clearly breaking the law?
I mean, I support all drug habits. SRSLY, I do. It's just, they save these people from death and then while they are recovering in hospital, they give them a bill and then book them.
So from my understanding heroin takes you from dirty toilets, to the hospital, to jail.
Isn't that a waste of taxpayers money?

I'm always thinking about you, the taxpayer.

Sometimes I compare my age to other rock stars to see when they started their bands and got famous. John Lennon was nearly 24 when the Beatles hit the mainstream, Billy Corgan was 21 when Smashing Pumpkins became active and I AM currently 20... so I got some time. Then again, Conor Oberst was a genius by 13 and I still can't write for shit...

Am I that average?

Everyone told me I was above avg.

Were they lying?

Did anyone else get told they were "gifted?"

I feel ripped off.