Monday, April 6, 2009


I never write first in a comment box. Do you remember Myspace, when everyone would just find all their new friends who had no wall posts and christen them by saying "HEY I TOOK YOUR COMMENT VIRGINITY!! HAHAHA OMGz WE GOTTA HANG OUT SOON!!"
It's like that, except less gay and more douche.

Okay, so I'm watching Smashing Pumpkins video for Try, Try, Try and thinking about Trainspotting and Requiem of a Dream (HEROIN being the main connector of thought here) and I have never tried heroin (don't plan on it) but QUESTION: Why do public health officials always try and save the heroin addicts who are ODing, when they are clearly breaking the law?
I mean, I support all drug habits. SRSLY, I do. It's just, they save these people from death and then while they are recovering in hospital, they give them a bill and then book them.
So from my understanding heroin takes you from dirty toilets, to the hospital, to jail.
Isn't that a waste of taxpayers money?

I'm always thinking about you, the taxpayer.

Sometimes I compare my age to other rock stars to see when they started their bands and got famous. John Lennon was nearly 24 when the Beatles hit the mainstream, Billy Corgan was 21 when Smashing Pumpkins became active and I AM currently 20... so I got some time. Then again, Conor Oberst was a genius by 13 and I still can't write for shit...

Am I that average?

Everyone told me I was above avg.

Were they lying?

Did anyone else get told they were "gifted?"

I feel ripped off.

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